Our Subsidiaries

ACSA group has established several special purpose subsidiaries with the aim to enhance creation of value and strategic partnerships.

Name 100% owned subsidiaries1 Investments in joint ventures5
ACSA Global Ltd* Airports Consultancy and Advisory Services SOC Ltd JIA Piazza Park (Pty) Ltd Precinct 2a (Pty) Ltd* Airport Logistics Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Purpose of existence The investment holding company through which Airports Company South Africa held a 10% interest in the Mumbai International Airport Private Limited, which was disposed of in the current financial year. The provision of airport consultancy and advisory services to airports in South Africa and internationally. This subsidiary will be leveraged to provide services for future prospects. The holding company through which we operate the Inter-Continental Hotel at O.R. Tambo International Airport. A company through which we own approximately 250 hectares of land adjacent to O.R. Tambo International Airport. The strategy is to redevelop property for aeronautical and non-aeronautical purposes to grow revenue. A property holding company, held with the Bidvest Group, that owns three distribution warehouses at O.R. Tambo International Airport and Cape Town International Airport.
Year of inception 2005 2016 1998 1998 2003
Airports Company South Africa shareholding 100% 100% 100% 100% 50%
Other shareholders and their respective shareholdings N/A N/A N/A N/A Bidvest Holdings Ltd (50%)
Equity injections R100 Nil R100 R100 Nil
Net asset value at 31 March 2023 R186 million Nil R33 million R89 million R240 million
Name Special purpose entities2 Investments in associates6
Lexshell 342 Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd Airport Management Share Incentive Scheme (Pty) Ltd Sakhisizwe Community Programme La Mercy JV Property Investments (Pty) Ltd Guarulhos International Airport Private Limited*
Purpose of existence An employee share option entity wholly-owned by the Airports Company South Africa Kagano Trust3. Employee share incentive scheme that holds investments (specifically Group ordinary shares. Sakhisizwe is a special purpose entity that seeks to transform the aviation industry by providing study bursaries to financially and academically deserving students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. A land development and property investment company held in collaboration with Dube Trade Port Corporation.
Our strategy is to build an investment property portfolio at King Shaka International Airport – Dube Trade Port – through land-lease agreements.
A company in which we hold a 20-year concession to develop, operate and maintain the Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo.
We also provided technical advisory and consultancy services for the first five years of the concession. The Technical Services Agreement terminated in 2017, owing to effluxion of time.
Year of inception 1999 1999 1996 2009 2012
Airports Company South Africa shareholding SPE SPE SPE 40% 10.2
Other shareholders and their respective shareholdings Airports Company South Africa Kagano Trust Airports Company Management Share Incentive Scheme Trust N/A Dube Trade Port Corporation (60%) A joint venture between Investments e Participações em Infrastructura S.A (Invepar) (80%) and Airports Company South Africa (20%), which together hold 51% of Guarulhos Participações S.A (GRUPar). The other 49% is held by State-owned airport authority Infraero.
Equity injections Nil Nil Nil R38 million R1.2 billion
Net asset value at 31 March 2023 (R42 million) R17 million R541 000 R187 million R0