We have embedded an integrated, collaborative, and sustainable approach to transforming our business, our people, society, and the management of the natural environment within our strategy and business model. As a state-owned entity, this is aligned with the National Development Plan, and we regard transformation - both within our organisation and in society as a whole - as fundamental to our value-creation story.

Our commitment to improving the lives of historically disadvantaged South Africans through a wide range of initiatives has always gone beyond the requirements specified by legislation, focusing on tangible outcomes to promote socio-economic stability, improve living standards, strengthen our democracy, and manage our impact on the natural environment.

We see transformation as a process that eliminates the barriers to inclusion and creates new opportunities; a process that contributes to inclusive growth and fosters a sustainable future for everyone who lives, works, and travels in our country. We also acknowledge the environmental impact of our operations and are committed to managing this responsibly.

Some of our transformation initiatives naturally had to be curtailed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but we continued to meet all regulatory requirements and to do whatever our resources enabled us to do. Now that we have achieved a firm recovery position, we are slowly resuming our strategic transformation agenda. While the hiatus in the implementation of our transformation initiatives negatively affected our immediate ability to transform our people, supplier base, stakeholders and society, the radical reduction in our operational activities in both the FY2020/21 and FY2021/22 reporting periods had the positive effect of reducing our environmental impact.

Over the past three periods we continued to track progress against our revised transformation policy and barometer, entrenching our objectives in our company KPIs. We also maintained our B-BBEE Level 2 accreditation as well as our ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation.

Integrated Transformation Agenda