Focus areas
As defined in our Sustainability Framework
Key inputs
The financial, physical, intellectual, human, social, relcol-2 px-0 mx-0col-2 px-0 mx-0 text-centerationship and natural resources we make use of in running the Group
Business activities
What we do
Our key outputs
What we deliver

Business Sustainability and Growth

Financial Capital
  • Equity
  • Debt financing
Manufactured Capital
  • Nine airports and the related infrastructure, equipment and systems needed to process arriving and departing aircraft, passengers, and cargo.
Intellectual Capital
  • Nearly three decades of knowledge and experience directly related to running airports successfully
  • Robust governance structures rooted in an ethical culture
  • Proprietorial systems and procedures
  • Comply with local and international principles of good governance
  • Participate in and contribute to legal and regulatory processes
  • Develop, implement, monitor, and assess strategies and plans
  • Develop, implement, monitor, and assess budgets and financial reports
  • dentify and mitigate business risks
  • Manage infrastructure and assets
  • Manage operations and the quality of service delivery
  • Engage with all stakeholders
  • Manage the business’s finances
  • Manage the business’s human resources
  • Manage the business’s information technology
  • Create and environment for innovation
  • Manage the business’s supply chains
  • Manage the delivery of corporate services
  • Demonstrably compliant corporate governance
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
  • Fit-for-purpose corporate and divisional strategies and plans
  • Well-managed budgets at organisational, divisional, and departmental level
  • Fit-for-purpose risk management protocols
  • Infrastructure and asset management processes, procedures, and controls
  • Operational management processes, procedures, and controls
  • Stakeholder engagement protocols and procedures
  • Financial management processes and procedures
  • Human resources management processes and procedures
  • Training and development
  • Fit-for-purpose and secure Information technology
  • Technological, process and management innovations
  • Secure supply chains management
  • A well-recognised and respected corporate brand

Our People and Society

Human Capital
  • Knowledgeable and highly experienced key personnel
  • A lean, well-trained, and productive workforce
  • An employee profile that reflects national demographics
  • An ethical culture
  • An active business transformation programme
Social and Relationship Capital
  • Strong relationships with all stakeholders
  • Memberships of local and international industry bodies
  • Proactive engagement with the communities in which we operate
  • Develop, implement, monitor, and assess strategies and plans
  • Maintain an extensive training and skills development programme
  • Engage with all stakeholders
  • Deliver a full range of passenger and stakeholder services
  • Provide technical advisory and consulting services
  • Engage with local and international regulatory and industry bodies
  • Engage with the communities in which we operate
  • Fit-for-purpose people, engagement, and culture management strategies and plans
  • Input into legal and regulatory frameworks
  • Integrated passenger and airport management services
  • Service innovations
  • Technology innovations
  • An active CSI Programme

Our environment

Natural Capital
  • Land
  • Water
  • Air
  • Fuel
  • Electricity
  • Manage the land we own and contribute to the management of the land around our airports
  • Manage our water usage
  • Manage our emissions and the impact of our business on air quality
  • Manage our fuel usage
  • Manage our use of grid electricity and supplement it with energy derived from alternative sources
  • Manage noise in and around our airports
  • Manage waste and recycle all materials that can be recycled
  • Manage the impact of our operations on birds and wildlife and minimise the possibility of bird and wildlife strikes on aircraft
  • Fit-for-purpose environmental management strategies and plans
  • Engaged, compliant and cooperative environmental management policies and practices
  • Consistent reduction in the use of grid electricity
  • Incremental increase in the use of alternative energy sources
  • Humane and ecologically sound bird and wildlife management practices
  • Consistent innovation in environmental management
Focus areas
As defined in our Sustainability Framework
Our key outcomes
How we create, preserve, or erode value internally and externally in the short-, medium- and long-term

Business Sustainability and Growth

Financial Capital
Added value
  • Well-managed and maintained airports that provide a level of service aligned to our vision and corporate plan
  • Future-focused growth and development plans
  • ACI Health Accreditation at all of our airports
  • Compliance with local and international environmental standards
Diminished value
  • Over the past three periods, external factors have impacted on our revenue and therefore also on our contribution to GDP
Infrastructure outcomes
Added value
  • Well-managed and maintained airports that provide a level of service aligned to our vision and corporate plan
  • Future-focused growth and development plans
  • ACI Health Accreditation at all of our airports
  • Compliance with local and international environmental standards
Diminished value
  • During the pandemic, much of our infrastructure had to be mothballed and many maintenance projects had to be put on hold, which impacted on our infrastructure’s functional value
  • Over the past three periods, many infrastructure development projects have had to be shelved or cancelled, which has diminished the net value of our infrastructure
Intellectual outcomes
Added value
  • Established and compliant governance structures
  • A strong culture of ethics that is constantly reinforced
  • Exceptionally strong data collection and management protocols
  • Valuable intellectual property
Diminished value
  • Over the past three periods, tactical reductions in staff numbers and certain other cost reductions have eroded our institutional knowledge and intellectual capabilities

Our People and Society

Human Resources outcomes
Added value
  • A lean and flexible organisational structure
  • Measurable skills development programmes
  • Comprehensive employee well-being programmes
  • Recognition, incentives, and awards
  • Bursaries for employees and dependents of employees
Diminished value
  • Over the past three periods, tactical reductions in staff numbers have impacted on employee well-being and eroded our service delivery capabilities
  • Over the same period, certain employee benefits also had to be pout on hold
Social and relationship outcomes
Added value
  • A substantial contribution to GDP
  • Income for employees, suppliers, and other partners
  • Employee advancement
  • Level 2 B-BBEE accreditation
  • Education and social development through our CSI programme
  • Support for the National Development Programme and the UN Millennium Development Goals

Our environment

Environmental outcomes
  • ACI airport carbon accreditation certification at all nine airports
  • ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management accreditation at all nine airports
  • Corporate headquarters that are accredited by the Green Buildings Council
  • Recycling of hundreds of tonnes of waste annually
  • Four of our airports are equipped with solar farms