The composition of our Board adheres to the specifications outlined in our Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI). The roles and responsibilities of our Directors are clearly defined in the Board Charter, subject to an annual review to ensure its relevance and effectiveness consistent with global best practice.

As an entity, the Board holds the overall responsibility for the leadership, control, and performance of the Group in line with legislation, regulation, and best practice. Each Board member has a fiscal and fiduciary responsibility to act in good faith and in the best interests of the Group and all its stakeholders.

The Board delegates certain responsibilities to the Committees of the Board without abdicating any of its responsibilities. There are five permanent Committees and one ad hoc Committee. The five permanent Committees met as scheduled and the details of their activities are provided below. The ad hoc Board Economic Regulation Committee only meets as required and did not meet during the reporting period. Each Committee operates within formal terms of reference, which are reviewed annually.

The Board is satisfied that the delegation of authority framework provides role clarity and supports the effective exercise of authority and responsibilities.


The Board embraces gender, ethnic, race and age diversity as a prerequisite for ensuring its continuing relevance and effectiveness in a complex business landscape. Our shareholders, who are responsible for the nomination and appointment of Board members, recognise the need for diversity and support its application.

In addition, a diverse and inclusive culture is embedded within the Board. Our directors are confident that robust discussion results in the deliberation of wide-ranging views and that, as directors, they serve in an environment where bias, discrimination and harassment are not tolerated.

The majority of Board members are independent directors, as recommended by King IV.

Board Demographics as at 31 March 2023
Skills and experience

Board members are appointed based on their knowledge and experience, providing the broad base of skills necessary to achieve the Group’s objectives. The capacity of individual members continues to be enhanced on an ongoing basis with skills that are directly relevant to the business. These include competencies in aviation, law, policy, strategy, finance, corporate finance, accounting, auditing, economic regulation, governance, asset and risk management, stakeholder relationship management, international relations, and information and communications technology (ICT), among others.

Focus areas and performance

Many of the Board’s key focus areas during the reporting period followed on from those in the previous period. These included:

  • Monitoring the implementation of the Group’s strategy
  • Monitoring the Group’s performance
  • Monitoring the security of our airports
  • Review of the strategic initiatives concomitant to the Growth Strategy
  • Implementation of the new operating model
  • Reviewing the action plans from the Board evaluation
  • Implementation of the Zondo Report recommendations
  • Monitoring the governance of subsidiaries
  • Reduction of irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure
  • Approval of policies to ensure good governance
  • Monitoring the macroeconomic outlook
  • Monitoring ACI Africa and ACI world matters
  • Monitoring and assessing geopolitical issues
  • Assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aviation and, in turn, the Group
  • Alignment of the Delegated Levels of Authority Manual to the approved Governance Framework and Operating Model and Macro Structure
  • Diversification of revenue within the framework of existing infrastructure to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting changes in the operating environment

The Board held a strategy review session on 22 and 23 November 2022, which culminated in the corporate strategy in the FY2023/24 to FY2025/26 Corporate Plan.

Board evaluation

The annual Board evaluation was conducted. This included an assessment of the Board as a whole as well as assessments of the Chairman of the Board, the individual Directors, the Board Committees, and the Chairmen of the Board Committees.

The evaluation of the Board covered the application of governance principles in the following areas:

The assessment for the period under review covered Committee members who were members of the Committees by 28 February 2023. In assessing the Committees, consideration was given to, amongst others, culture and mindset of the Committees, (both collectively and individual members), productivity of meetings of the Committees, Chairpersons’ role in ensuring effective functioning of the Committees, access to information, compliance with the terms of reference of the Committees and fulfillment thereof, clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Committees and of its members, competency, skills and experience of the Committee members.

Committee members indicated that the performance of the Committees met best practice and did not identify areas of concern. A recommendation made by the ICT Committee is for the Committee to continue its focus on innovation and latest technology advancement and trends.

The Board members concurred that they have the necessary trust and faith in the Committees and are satisfied that the Committees fulfilled their mandates and added value to the Board and ACSA.

The office of the Company Secretariat continues to provide unfettered guidance and support to the Board and the Committees.

Details relating to these focus areas are available in the ACSA Governance and Remuneration Report for 2023.

Board attendance

The Board held eight meetings during the course of the reporting period:

Number of meetings Schedule meeting Spec scheduled meeting Schedule meeting Spec unscheduled meeting Spec unscheduled meeting Schedule meeting Spec scheduled meeting Spec unscheduled meeting
Name of Director 9 June 2022 27 July 2022 8 September 2022 14 November 2022 23 November 2022 2 December 2022 20 February 2023 17 March 2023
Dr Sandile Nogxina (Chairman) x x x x x x x x
Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo* x x x x x x x Retired 2 March 2023
Dr Kgabo Badimo x x x x x x x x
Ms Kemira Esterhuizen** x x x x x x Retired on 18 December 2022
Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo x x x x x x x x
Mr Andile Khumalo*** Appointed on 3 March 2023 x
Mr Gcobani Mancotywa**** Appointed on 2 March 2023 x
Ms Nompumelelo Mpofu x x x x x x x x
Mr Siphamandla Mthethwa x x x x x x x x
Ms Ntombifuthi Zikalala-Mvelase x x x x x x x x
Mr Yershen Pillay x x x x x x x x
Ms Sibongile Sambo**** Appointed on 2 March 2023 x
Ms Nonzukiso Siyotula**** Appointed on 2 March 2023 x
Mr Graeme Victor x x x x x x Retired on 14 December 2022
* Retired effective 2 March 2023 ** Retired effective 18 December 2022 *** Appointed effective 3 March 2023 **** Appointed effective 2 March 2023
Committees of the Board and their work
Audit and Risk Committee
Chair: Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo*
Attendance: 100%
Number of Meetings – 9
Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo** Mr Graeme Victor***
Mr Yershen Pillay Ms Ntombifuthi Zikalala-Mvelase
Committee Focus for the Year The Committee’s focus for the year was on considering and evaluating the following:
  • The FY2021/22 to FY2023/24 Corporate Plan
  • The Group’s performance
  • The Group’s financial sustainability
  • Reduction of irregular expenditure
  • The Group’s going concern status
  • Elimination of fruitless and wasteful expenditure
  • Alignment of the delegated levels of authority to the Governance Framework and Operating Model
  • External Audit Strategy
  • External Audit Reports
  • Risk management and the Group’s risk appetite and tolerance levels
  • Performance of Internal Audit
  • Internal audit and combined assurance reports
  • Assessment of the independence of the external auditor
  • Evaluation of the CFO and the Finance function
  • Integrated Annual Report for FY2021/22
  • Plans, policies, and frameworks within the mandate of the Committee
  • The 2023/25 Combined Assurance Plan
  • Compliance
  • Governance matters
Relevant Material Matters
  • Business sustainability
  • Financial sustainability
  • Business growth
  • Business integration and operational planning
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
  • Governance
*        Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo was retired as Chairman on 5 April 2023 and has remained as a member. Ms Nonzukiso Siyotula was appointed as Chairman on the same date.
**      Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo was retired as a member on 2 March 2023 subsequent to her retirement as a non-executive director on the same date.
***    Retired on 14 December 2022
Board Economic Regulation Committee
Chair: Dr Sandile Nogxina
Attendance: 100%
Number of Meetings – 2
Members Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo*
Dr Kgabo Badimo Ms Ntombifuthi Zikalala Mvelase
Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo Mr Yershen Pillay
Committee Focus for the Year The Committee’s focus for the year was on considering and evaluating the following:
  • Implementation of the economic regulation strategy
  • 2024 to 2028 permission application
  • Permission application roadmap
  • Impact of permission decisions on the sustainability of the Group
  • Monitoring of risks pertaining to economic regulation
  • Review of the terms of reference of the Committee and implementation of the FY2022/23 annual work plan
  • ACI interventions on economic regulation policy
Relevant Material Matters
  • Business sustainability
  • Financial sustainability
  • Business growth
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
* Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo was retired as a member on 2 March 2023 subsequent to her retirement as a non-executive director on the same date.
Board Investment Committee
Chair: Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo*
Attendance: 100%
Number of Meetings – 5
Dr Kgabo Badimo Mr Yershen Pillay
Ms Nompumelelo Mpofu Ms Ntombifuthi Zikalala-Mvelase
Committee Focus for the Year The Committee’s focus for the year was on considering and evaluating the following:
  • Implementation of the growth strategy
  • The business cases for the ground handling services strategy, fuel infrastructure and management strategy, aerotropolis and airport cities strategy, cargo strategy, commercial strategy, passenger experience and mobilisation strategy
  • The Non-aeronautical Revenue Strategy
  • Disposal of ACSA shares in Aeroporto De Guarulhos
  • Treasury activities
  • Consideration of policies within the mandate of the Committee
  • The 2022 Board and Committee Evaluation Action Plan
  • The Group’s commercial activities
  • Updates on the Group’s operational performance
  • Updates on the Group’s investments and property developments
  • Economic regulatory matters
  • Risk monitoring
* Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo was retired as a member on 2 March 2023 subsequent to her retirement as a non-executive director on the same date. Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo was appointed as Chairman on 5 April 2023.
Human Resources, Remuneration and Nominations (RemNom) Committee
Chair: Ms Ntombifuthi Zikalala-Mvelase
Attendance: 100%
Number of Meetings – 7
Ms Kemira Esterhuizen* Ms Sibongile Sambo#
Mr Gcobani Mancotywa# Ms Nonzukiso Siyotula#
Dr Sandile Nogxina Mr Graeme Victor***
Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo**
Committee Focus for the Year The Committee’s focus for the year was on considering and evaluating the following:
  • Implementation of the staff cost reduction programme
  • Implementation of the macro structure
  • Succession management
  • Skills development
  • Progress on the RemNom Committee evaluation action plan
  • Constitution of the committees of the Board
  • Policies, plans and frameworks within the mandate of the committee
  • Monitoring human resources management
  • Risk monitoring
Relevant Material Matters
  • Business sustainability
  • Financial sustainability
  • Business growth
  • Business integration and operational planning
  • Acquisition and retention of skills
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
  • Governance
*        Retired on 18 December 2022
**      Retired on 2 March 2023
***    Retired on 14 December 2022
#        Appointed on 29 March 2023
Information, Communication and Technology Committee
Chair: Mr Yershen Pillay
Attendance: 100%
Number of Meetings – 4
Dr Kgabo Badimo
Ms Kemira Esterhuizen*
Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo
Mr Graeme Victor**
Committee Focus for the Year The Committee’s focus for the year was on:
  • Implementation of the IT Strategy
  • Monitoring of the governance of technology and information and the risks related to this
  • Monitoring cybersecurity maturity
  • Monitoring management of the Group’s overall information and communication strategy and systems
  • Monitoring progress of ICT projects
  • Monitoring ICT audit findings
  • Progress on action plan on ICT Committee evaluation
  • Risk monitoring
Relevant Material Matters
  • Business sustainability
  • Financial sustainability
  • Business growth
  • Business integration and operational planning
  • Digital transformation
  • Cyber security
  • Safety and security of ICT assets
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
  • Governance
* Retired on 18 December 2022
** Retired on 14 December 2022
Social and Ethics Committee
Chair: Dr Kgabo Badimo**
Attendance: 100%
Number of Meetings – 4
Ms Kemira Esterhuizen*
Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo
Ms Nompumelelo Mpofu
Committee Focus for the Year The Committee’s focus for the year was on:
  • Economic transformation
  • Stakeholder relations
  • Ethics
  • The Group’s response to the recommendations pertaining to ACSA in the Zondo Report
  • The reputation of the Group
  • Socio-economic development
  • Passenger mobilisation
  • Environmental, health and public safety
  • Security
  • Consequence management
  • Risk monitoring
Relevant Material Matters
  • Business sustainability
  • Financial sustainability
  • Brand, reputation, and stakeholder management
  • Transformation
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
  • Consequence management
  • Governance
* Retired effective 14 December 2022
** Retired as Chairman on 5 April 2023 and remained a member. Mr Gcobani Mancotywa was appointed as Chairman on the same date